Packages & Prices
Packages & Prices
Family History
Discover the past and your family’s story through a family history report.
Smaller projects start at $600, larger projects start at $1600
Family Tree
See your family roots in one “big picture.”
Starts at $600
Discover the story of one of your ancestors.
Starts at $400
Solving Problems
Have you encountered a particularly thorny problem in your research? Let us help.
Starts at $400
House History
Explore the history of your home or another significant building or property.
Starts at $400
Document Retrieval
We can access NYC-area or foreign-language repositories to obtain documents you need.
Starts at: $120
Struggling with a tough question on a small scale? Please allow us to assist you.
Starts at $40
Translation and Transcription
We specialize in reading old handwriting and typefaces and are fluent in multiple languages. Please allow us to help you decipher those old family documents of interest.
Starts at $40