Document Retrieval
Document Retrieval
Do you need to check a particular collection to explore what resources might provide a breakthrough in your research? Do you know precisely which documents you need, but travel is too time consuming or expensive? We can visit repositories in New York City and the surrounding metropolitan area and check the collections you need. We can also research particular online collections if they are—for linguistic or other reasons—not easily accessible for you. Generally, the more precise your request, the less time it takes.
We will provide you with copies of the found documents.
We can’t guarantee that we will find what you are looking for. Some documents, like particular civil registers, were never created and thus can’t be found. We also have to obey the rules of particular repositories, and might not be able to access some documents based on protocol or privacy laws.
Current regulations related to COVID-19 limit access to on-site depositories.
Starts at $120.